Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our First Free and Easy Trip... just the 2 of us!

Other than our Honeymoon in 2007, we've never gone on a trip alone before. Since we spent 2007 Christmas overseas... we wanted to make it an annual event - to spend our Christmas and New Year overseas yearly (if budget allows). And yes, we managed to do it again in 2008...

This time round, we chose a nearer country to kick off... did it Free & Easy again... and of course I'm the one who did all the research and itinerary planning/preparations while dear Ian sits back, relax and looked forward to the trip....

We booked our e-ticket and hotel via Zuji....  for 9 Days 8 Nights to Hong Kong!
As dear hubby refuse to take budget airlines... we chose Cathay Pacific Airlines in the end and decided to stay in a nice cosy boutique hotel at Causeway Bay called Cosmo Hotel.
[Cosmo Hotel Add: 375 - 377 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong] 

Not cheap of course, but since it's our first F&E trip, we wanted to just splurge and enjoy.... :)

Of course, not forgetting our travel insurances.... AIG Travel Assist for both of us. :)

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