Thursday, September 16, 2010

Japan Trip Day Three

Day #3 Tokio Marine Office - Asakusa Temple - Ginza - Odaiba Venus Fort
11th August 2008 (Sunday)

Today is the day we were scheduled to visit Tokio Marine Office. We were all asked to dressed formal (in such weather!). After the breakfast at the hotel, we set off to the office. Wan Shan woke up late and we had to wait for her.... Upon reaching there, we were received by the Tokio Marine representative who brought us to their office upstairs. The place was well furnished. No wonder they said Tokio Marine is one of the biggest insurance company in Japan. Family members will be waiting at the lobby of the building since the visit was expected to be a short one.

West Zone @ Tokio Marine's Office
After the short visit, we headed next to the Asakusa Kannon Tample for some prayers and Nakamise Street for some shopping! The place was crowded with people.

Asakusa Kannon Temple
There's this cute instruction to guide you how to use the "Holy Water"... just for the fun! We tried it too. The water is cooling for the super hot weather! 
Washing our hands with the "Holy Water"
We saw the Japanese "sweeping" the incense smoke to themselves, apparently for good luck. So i asked Hubby to follow while i took a picture too!

We went into the temple and we threw some coins into the "wishing" bin... just like how we "添油" in chinese temples in Singapore.
添油 - the Japanese Way
We also went to draw lots. Interestingly, if you get a good lot, you can keep the lot. But if you get a bad one, you are supposed to leave the lot behind on a booth they set up and that will help to change your fate or something. We just follow suit... 入乡随俗!

Drawing our lots
I got a good lot while hubby got a bad one. So he tied his on the booth while i got to keep mine.

My good lot
After visiting the temple, we proceeded to take more pictures outisde before we went on to the Nakamise Shopping Street to do some shopping again.

@ Nakamise Shopping Street
After close to 2 hours of shopping, it's time for lunch again. We were scheduled for lunch at a restaurant nearby... about 5 minutes walk away. This restaurant serves pretty good tempura, something which Hubby likes. :)
Tempura @ Japanese Restaurant 葵丸进
After the not too bad lunch, we went on the long coach journey to Ginza, the high end shopping street in Tokyo. Everything was expensive, thus we only got ourselves a mechnical gears clock for our living room, also something which hubby wanted to get for a long long time.
Ginza - the high end shopping street in Tokyo. I love the Swarovski building 
The very expensive rock melon @ 1575 Yen (~25 SGD)
There was really nothing much to do at Ginza and we ended up shopping in their supermarket where hubby was trying to find some food again (as usual). The rock melon caught his attention and after doing his maths, he realise the common looking rock melon cost about 25SGD. Wonder what's so special about it. And of course, we did not buy it to try!

After spending about an hour or so at Ginza, we proceeded to our next stop - Odaiba Pallet Town where we visited the Venus Fort shopping centre. Took some nice pictures there.

@ Venus Fort
We also tried their Mochi Ice Cream there. Nothing very special, pretty much like what we have in Singapore too. But it sure help to cool us down on the hot day.

Mochi Ice Cream @ Venus Fort
Our last dinner with Tokio Marine was at a chinese restaurant named 林园. Food wasn't fantastic... i think Hubby can cook better. After dinner, it was our Free and Easy time. Our boss Edwin, wanted to check out the Akido School and we had a hard time walking to find it. When we finally reach, the school was closed. What a disappointment. We then walk back and make our way back to the hotel to rest for our own planned F&E to Osaka.
Chinese Dinner at 林园
Since it was our last night staying in the Grand Print Hotel NEw Takanawa, we took some pictures just for memory sake. Don't think we'll get the chance to stay in such a high class hotel in Japan again due to the cost. :)

Last Photos in Grand Prince New Takanawa Hotel
Hubby even took a picture of their toilet bowl, only to find out later that most of the toilet bowl in Japan has all those washing functions! Hah!

Looking forward to our own extended trip to Osaka. Hoping that it would be more fulfilling!

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